Skazka - Russian Society of Trondheim > News archive, 2001 >   Russian Pycckuù  

Additions to Film Library in June 2001

(detailed info about these and other films can be found in the main catalog)
    Feature films:
  1. Alhimiki (The Alchemists; 2000)
  2. Vam i ne snilos'... (You Have Not Seen It Even in a Dream...)
  3. V boi idut odni "stariki" (Only "Old Men" Are Going to Battle)
  4. Zvezda plenitel'nogo schast'ja (The Star of Fascinating Happiness)
  5. Silva

    Other films:

  6. Besedy s Solzhenitsynym (Dialogues with Solzhenitsyn; film by A. Sokurov)
  7. Ostorogno, Modern! (Warning: Modern!; all characters played by D. Nagiev and S. Rost) - series 1-6 (6 cassettes).


  8. Bremenskie muzykanty;
    Po sledam bremenskih muzykantov;
    Kot v sapogah
  9. Verlioka;
    Volk i telenok;
    Ded Moroz i leto;
    Nedodel i Peredel;
    Moreplavanie Solnyschkina;
    Letuchij korabl';
    Ivachka iz dvorca pionerov
  10. Vinni-Puh (Winnie the Pooh);
    Vinni-Puh i den' zabot;
    Vinni-Puh idet v gosti
  11. Vozvraschenie bludnogo popugaja (series 1-3);
    Volschebnoe kol'tso;
    Ezhik dolgen byt' koluchim
  12. Konek-Gorbunok
  13. Mechok jablok;
    Tri lyaguschonka (series 2 and 3);
    Rovno v tri pyatnadcat'...;
    Kochkin dom
  14. Moidodyr;
    Chuzhoi golos;
  15. Novye Bremenskie (2000; 0:56)
  16. Prikluchenija kapitana Vrungelya (series 1-13)
  17. Skazka o mertvoi tsarevne i o semi bogatyryah;
    Skazka o rybake i rybke
  18. Skazka o pope i o rabotnike ego Balde;
    Skazka o zolotom petuchke
  19. Tsarevna-lyaguschka;
    Seraya scheika
  20. Cvetik-semicvetik;
